Early Spring Project Checklist

Spring Cleaning Time

Rake and remove leaves and fallen branches and any other debris from lawns and shrubs.

Remove winter protection from all beds and shrubs.

Cut back any perennials that you didn’t get to in the fall. Discard those cuttings in your trash to prevent future disease and insect problems.

Cut down ornamental grasses to 6 or so inches before new growth begins.

If you planted winter rye as a cover crop, it’s time to turn it under.

How Good is Your Soil?

If you think your plants/lawn haven’t been at peak performance, it’s time to do a soil test. WG sells soil test kits from the UConn Soil Nutrient Analysis Lab, or you can order them online from the lab. Follow the instructions on the package and you’ll get your results back quickly. If you need help interpreting the results, bring us the report to read.

For Healthy Trees & Shrubs

Late March – early April, when the temperature is above 40, apply an oil spray to kill overwintering insects (such as spider mites, scale insects, aphids, and adelgids). Make sure no rain is predicted.

Fertilize trees and shrubs now.  For evergreens and acid-loving plants (such as azaleas and rhododendrons), we recommend Holly-Tone fertilizer by Espoma. A general-purpose balanced fertilizer is fine for all other plants. OR compost all beds now.

If you plan to move any shrubs or trees, now is a great time to do it.

For Lush Lawns

After your lawn clean-up (and doing a soil test, if needed), spot-seed any bare areas. WG sells a variety of grass seed for all kinds of lawns in our zone.

Apply crabgrass control on established lawns when the forsythia blooms.

Apply fertilizer.

Plant Edible Crops

As soon as the soil is workable, plant early veggies (lettuce, peas, radishes, etc.), potatoes, onions, garlic, asparagus, and strawberries. There’s nothing as good as growing your own food! We also sell several lines of seeds.

Annuals & Perennials

Our famous pansies like early spring weather. They don't even object to snow! Also, seeds of cool-season annuals (such as calendula and snapdragon) can be sowed. If you want to divide and transplant perennials, this is a great time. Fertilize perennials now with a general-purpose balanced fertilizer.


Get your lawn mower and any other equipment in good working order.